Thirty Years

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From 1970 to 1990 we were freelance associates of the National Museum of Natural Sciences (NMNS, now Canadian Museum of Nature, CMN), and traveled widely across Canada and the northern USA on museum expeditions and writing books about natural history.

This means that almost everywhere in the settled parts of Canada there's places nearby that we've visited and where we've made collections or observations (though we didn't spend much time in Nova Scotia, and didn't reach eastern Newfoundland or northeastern Quebec).

Frederick W. Schueler & Aleta Karstad - Bishops Mills Natural History Centre

Contact us by phone at (613)258-3107
or e-mail

Aspects of the 30-years-later project:

historic field work
journal formats
this month 30 years ago

possible projects for 2010
field methods for 2010
teaching revisit methods

planned events
suggest a revisit
sponsors of the 30 Years project

30 Years Later home page

Pinicola home

About us

Bishops Mills
Natural History

Planning an Itinerary for Thirty Years Later: revisiting locations recorded in naturalists' field notes from coast to coast to coast.

Frederick W. Schueler & Aleta Karstad - Bishops Mills Natural History Centre

Since the 2010 Thirty Years Later trip will be part of the Canadian Museum of Nature's (CMN) celebration of The International Year of Biodiversity, another part of which will be the re-opening of the renovated Victoria Memorial Museum Building (VMMB) in Ottawa, on 22 May 2010, our planned itinerary pivots around that date and location.

We hope to visit all 10 provinces, including visits to provincial museums, and we're soliciting invitations from museum, parks, naturalists groups, and schools to discuss natural history and ecological change in their regions.

Before the re-opening of the VMMB on 22 May, we plan to replay the 1976 spring trip for Canadian Nature Notebook to Quebec, the Maritimes and Newfoundland (in 1976, having lost touch with the days of the week, we knocked on the doors of the New Brunswick Museum on a Saturday, and were sort of put off to find that Stan Gorham wasn't there, and that we'd have to go up the river to Brown's Flats to see him at home).

This will be 30 years after Fred's NMNS post-doc, so the western framework of the trip could be our 1980 trips, while including elements of others: Ottawa to Winnipeg (N & S Transcanada routes on the way out & back), north through the Interlake, by train to Churchill, the northern route across the prairies, through Pine Pass and down the British Columbia Interior, then west to Vancouver, up Vancouver Island to the ferry, and then up the coast to Haida Gwaii and Prince Rupert, and then through the interior, Edmonton, and back home, revisiting as many place we explored in the 1970s and 1980s as possible.

We'd have no objection to wintering on the British Columbia coast, as we did in 1976-1977, 1985-1986, and 1987-1989, but all these plans are highly tentative at the present time...

fws - 21 July 2009